What Is Personal Training for the Heart and Spirit?

Kate was calling herself a Personal Trainer before the term Life Coach came to be. While other personal trainers focus on mind and/or body, Kate truly is a master of the emotional and spiritual realms. She possesses an inherent strength along with an uncanny ability to zero in on what needs to be transformed and precisely how to do it.

She is THE person to call in a crisis. She will have you unwound from your tangle in record time.

• She provides you with cutting edge follow-through tools to keep you grounded and progressing once you have left your time with her

She is a full service facility!

Once your crisis has been solved, Kate will teach you how to bring sustainable change into your world with clarity, humor, and far more warmth than you can begin to imagine. She actually makes it look easy ..

• If you have been noticing old patterns and pains resurfacing with what feels like a bit of a vengeance (SO many people are right now), Kate is the one to call. She knows precisely how to identify and clear the old patterns that are READY to be released.

• If you are ready to start living in the way you have been promising yourself you are going to, someday, live, Kate is the one to call. She knows precisely how to plant, water, and rapidly grow who you are meant to be in this world.

Who Benefits From This Work? 

It is undeniably true that Kate’s work isn’t for everybody. You have to truly want the changes it guarantees to bring.

Kate’s Personal Training is for people who:

  • Have recurring relationship issues or patterns that they are finally ready to stop repeating

  • Have addictive behaviors they want to stop engaging in but can't seem to figure out how

  • Are super hard on themselves and need to learn how to stop doing that!

  • Have challenges with their kids (relatives, or partner) that they are embarrassed to talk about but need help with

  • Are experiencing a break up of some kind (personal or professional) and can't seem to snap out of feeling bad about it

  • Need to get out of a relationship but can't figure out how

  • Really want to feel sustainably good/better

  • Are confused about what to do re: a relationship, work, or personal situation and want CLARITY, no matter what the truth ends up being

  • Are craving Personal Sovereignty (aka Independence) in their lives but can’t seem to break free from the confines of other people’s (family, spouse, employer, religion, external society) expectations

  • Are not afraid of the truth

  • Know there is something MORE and WANT it!

Kate works with individuals, couples, and families – adults and children alike – with tremendous success. Her youngest clients have been toddlers, her eldest, men and women in their 80’s. She is an Intuitive Transformer that is able to hook into whatever it is you are experiencing in order to have you feeling completely understood, safe, and furthered. 

What Are My Options?

Depending on what your growth and healing goals are, Kate offers a variety of ways to work together:

[A] Kate, a la carte: If you are not yet ready to really make a commitment to your transformation and/or you are in a particularly compelling crisis that you want untangled NOW, Option A allows you to pay for just one session during which she guarantees immediate (though not necessarily sustainable) clarity and relief. This one-time session comes complete with plenty of tools for you to take with you upon completion. If you think this might be a good choice for you, click here to zip Kate an email to begin your process.

"Kate saved my relationship with my son in just one session!" Denver mom

[B] Kate, weekly:: Kate’s life’s purpose is to facilitate as many people as she possibly can into Authentic Ease, Grace, Peace, Happiness, and Fulfillment. Of course, this sort of sustainable change does not happen overnight. Working consistently, week by week, you will not only find yourself eager to come to your sessions with her, you will delight in the palpable progress you make. The only thing you need to bring is an eagerness to grow. With this in place, it will be a match made in heaven. Click here to contact Kate and begin your process of healing.

“You’re the best. I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me in these last few months. And our conversation today has really made me wake up. Thank you, you have such a gift of healing - truly a therapist for the heart 💛Current Gen Z client

[C] Packages: This is the most economical way to work with Kate. She will custom design for you the most effective package of sessions possible to best move you out of whatever challenge(s) you are experiencing. Kate is an expert at intuiting what you will need in the most economical (in terms of both time and money) way possible. From the simplest package of four sessions, to the Six-Month Plan (prices go down in direct alignment with volume and frequency), Kate will find the perfect package for you to be the most furthered you can possibly be. Click here to contact Kate re: her sliding scale for pricing.

"Kate is the most insightful person I know." Rob Kurson, New York Times bestselling author

[C] Intensives: Kate offers Two-Day Intensives for people and couples who want to dig in to the experiential piece of 'study and practice' with their sleeves rolled up. These concentrated, highly-spirited intensives focus on your entire personal energetic system in a gamut of ways that not only keep you fascinatingly engaged, they are quite life-changing. The attention you receive from Kate when you sign up to be the sole receiver of her wisdom, care, humor, and warmth is among the most sustainably nourishing and transformational experiences available in the 21st Century. Click here to contact Kate with any questions or to set yours up!

"The work that Kate does is awesome! It's based on sound principles and practices that make sense and really work. I've found the insights she's provided me with to be very valuable, and I'm thankful that our paths crossed when they did. I look forward to more great things to come as I continue to apply the principles that Kate helped me learn!  Thank you, Kate!!" Arizona Businessman.

[D] Presentation Skills: Whether you have a professional presentation coming up, are creating a newsletter, creating videos to assist people in their personal growth, needing to have a talk with your partner or kids, going LIVE on Facebook, or wanting to write an important letter to a business, boss, loved one, or friend, Kate has the skills to guide you through your creation, as well as your presentation of any and all of these. She teaches you HOW TO compose what you are wanting to say (with a formula that is tried and true for personal as well as professional endeavors), all the way through HOW TO use your eyes, voice, hands and body while presenting. Click here to contact Kate about moving forward with how to give an incredibly effective presentation.

[E] Mah Jongg Readings: Have you gone and read Kate's Counsel Of The Moment and want MORE? Kate actually reads Mah Jongg tiles the way others read Tarot cards (who knew people read Mah Jongg tiles?!). It happened to her quite by accident and turns out she has quite an uncanny knack for it. Kate’s MJ readings are 45 minutes in length and provide you with solid guidance on who and where you are in any given situation, what is happening with it currently, what is coming, what your obstacles are, your SOLUTION to overcoming said obstacles, and what your outcome will look like. You don't even have to come up with a particular situation for her to come through with exactly what it is you are need to know. Kate provides a template of your reading for you to take notes on that you will have for reference. People leave with considerably more information and HOPE than they had upon arrival! Sound interesting? Click here to contact Kate for your reading! 🀄️ 

"Another "perfect" reading. I took a screen shot and will print it out and let it be my "True North" as I navigate to my new destination (to fulfill my destiny!) Time to chart a new course for me. 🙏🤗🐳💕" ZA., Extraordinary Woman

Where Do We Meet?

Kate works with people all over the globe. Private sessions take place either in Kate’s office in Boulder, CO, or via Zoom.