This PRACTICE Pod is for the student who truly and seriously seeks to live in the frequency of constant delight.

Einstein said,
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Do you feel ready to create and accept this radical shift from how most Americans were born and raised?

The thing about miracles is that the more you experience ‘everything as a miracle,’ the more everything presents in miraculous ways.

It’s really wild .. and quite exhilarating.

In this group you will be guided, with daily assignments, inspirations, and prompts, through the shift in perception it takes to move yourself up the miracle scale from ‘seldom and surprising’ to ‘frequent and expected.’

A miracle can be a pleasing and delightful manifestation, a shift in perception (from closed to open, particle to wave, fear to love), an unexpected gift, an opening that had previously seemed blocked, a stunning vision in nature, relief of some sort, or any myriad of similar possibilities.

To get yourself started, think, right now, of a miracle you have experienced recently (I’ll wait 😉)
If you were able to find something, that’s wonderful! You are well on your way to Miracle Consciousness and are guaranteed to find this process exciting, healing, inspiring, and passionately fulfilling. If you were not, I’d like to invite you to suspend your possible disbelief and consider joining us so you, too, can find this wave of delicious delight to ride into the next divine phase of your precious life.

Start date is Monday May 20th. Upon registering, you will receive an email from Kate with the link to schedule your (fun, warm, personal) initial half-hour orientation chat.

🌟 So .. what do you think? 🌟

If living your life ‘as if everything is a miracle’ sounds like something that would be worth spending $222 and 33 days committing to, go ahead and take the leap .. click the link below to change the energy in your life for the MUCH better 💥