3-6-9 Bullseye Focus POD
This PRACTICE has already yielded tremendous results for a Beta group I created a couple of months ago (details below)!.
I, literally, learned about this process on TikTok (!!) and immediately went to YouTube to find out what, exactly, it was. After the TikToker claimed (and showed us) her amazing results. I started my own 3-6-9 process that very night and, sure enough, got WILD results 🔥 I mean, truly unfathomable .. a very specific thing I had been efforting (to zero avail) to make happen for decades that just started falling into place as if it had ALWAYS been that way.
So, when a new untenable issue bore its way into my otherwise pretty sweet life, I chose a new one and, at the last minute, threw it up on Facebook to see if anyone cared to join me. And there is was .. quite by accident, I started a Beta group of eight volunteers of which MOST stayed with it and experienced stunning results.
Things like:
• People, out of nowhere, making warm social contact with a member who’d previously been socially isolated
• Palpable spaciousness during the days and evenings of a mama of a newborn AND an 18- month-old (lol perhaps my biggest claim to fame yet!)
• Clean, fresh air flowing into an apartment formerly deluged with toxic fumes from an exhaust duct right beneath the central windows
• A palpably higher quality of life in general .. a spaciousness, a positivity, a hopefulness .. a new commitment to moving forward in life in this way, rather than their old ways of perceiving
All of these things were unfathomable in the previous worlds of these humans. Their palpable and continued (sustainability is everything) occurrence was not possible from the perspectives they’d previously held.
Is this magic? KINDA!!
Magic YOU can learn how to weave yourself with just a little bit of instruction and a lot of PRACTICE!
Only $222 for this 33-Day immersion experience 💪🏽💜
Start day is Monday May 20th .. I can already FEEL the changes that are brewing ..
If doing the work it takes to honestly and actually change one deeply important piece of your life sounds like something that would be well worth spending $222 and 33 days committing to, take the leap! Go ahead and click the button!
(You’ll be so happy you did!)